The final Agni Kai between Zuko and Azula is one of the most beautiful and tragic scenes in the show. The way the fire moves and roars in this scene is mesmerizing, the clash of colors is breathtaking, and the music is painfully heartbreaking. This art print depicts when Azula shoots a huge flame at Zuko, but he is able to bend her fire away. Zuko’s rage-filled bending is replaced with a more grounded and masterful type. While Azula’s usual precise and calculating bending turns messy as she tinkers on the brink of insanity. Neither character is the same person that they were at the start of the show.
Art Print Details:
- Print size: 8x10 inches
- Premium paper
- Paper weight: 240 gsm
- Paper finish: Luster (color richness of glossy combined with fingerprint resistance of matte paper)
*Purchased art print will NOT have the "Da Cool Shop" watermarks.